Default Folder X 5.3
Default Folder X attaches a toolbar to the right side of the Open and Save dialogs in any macOS-native application. The toolbar gives you fast access to various folders and commands. You just click on the buttons to go to your favorite and recently used folders, manage the folders and files shown in the list, and make changes to your settings. It also fixes a number of problems in Open and Save dialogs, "rebounding" to the last selected file, putting the path listing back in the top menu, and correcting bugs in scrolling column views.Features
Default Folder X 5.3
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Houdah Software released a major upgrade of their excellent Spotlight search utility, HoudahSpot 5, last week. Among a ton of useful new features, HoudahSpot now also integrates with Default Folder X, giving you a much more powerful way to search for files and folders in Open and Save dialogs.
The default Laravel application structure is intended to provide a great starting point for both large and small applications. But you are free to organize your application however you like. Laravel imposes almost no restrictions on where any given class is located - as long as Composer can autoload the class.
The Broadcasting directory contains all of the broadcast channel classes for your application. These classes are generated using the make:channel command. This directory does not exist by default, but will be created for you when you create your first channel. To learn more about channels, check out the documentation on event broadcasting.
This directory does not exist by default, but will be created for you by the event:generate and make:event Artisan commands. The Events directory houses event classes. Events may be used to alert other parts of your application that a given action has occurred, providing a great deal of flexibility and decoupling.
This directory does not exist by default, but will be created for you if you execute the make:job Artisan command. The Jobs directory houses the queueable jobs for your application. Jobs may be queued by your application or run synchronously within the current request lifecycle. Jobs that run synchronously during the current request are sometimes referred to as "commands" since they are an implementation of the command pattern.
This directory does not exist by default, but will be created for you if you execute the event:generate or make:listener Artisan commands. The Listeners directory contains the classes that handle your events. Event listeners receive an event instance and perform logic in response to the event being fired. For example, a UserRegistered event might be handled by a SendWelcomeEmail listener.
This directory does not exist by default, but will be created for you if you execute the make:mail Artisan command. The Mail directory contains all of your classes that represent emails sent by your application. Mail objects allow you to encapsulate all of the logic of building an email in a single, simple class that may be sent using the Mail::send method.
This directory does not exist by default, but will be created for you if you execute the make:notification Artisan command. The Notifications directory contains all of the "transactional" notifications that are sent by your application, such as simple notifications about events that happen within your application. Laravel's notification feature abstracts sending notifications over a variety of drivers such as email, Slack, SMS, or stored in a database.
This directory does not exist by default, but will be created for you if you execute the make:policy Artisan command. The Policies directory contains the authorization policy classes for your application. Policies are used to determine if a user can perform a given action against a resource.
This directory does not exist by default, but will be created for you if you execute the make:rule Artisan command. The Rules directory contains the custom validation rule objects for your application. Rules are used to encapsulate complicated validation logic in a simple object. For more information, check out the validation documentation.
Version 5.3.7 of Default Folder X introduced a new capability: it can now ask what the default folder for an application should be on the fly using AppleScript. That may sound like a mouthful of jargon, so let me explain, because it can be applied in a lot of situations.
or, if you want it to handle only a single application, put it in a sub-folder of the Scripts folder named for the application you want it to serve. To have it queried only for Preview, for example, put an AppleScript in:
If you want to see this in action, approve Screen Recording so Default Folder X will launch, then immediately go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Screen Recording and turn it back off. Then bring up an Open dialog in any application (choose File > Open in Safari, for example), navigate to your Downloads folder, and then use the New Folder command to create a new folder. When you click OK to create the folder, watch the file dialog. It'll briefly turn yellow - that's where the screenshot would normally be used, but since you've turned off screen recording, Default Folder X just puts up a yellow window instead.
Yes. Just open your Default Folder X preferences, click on the Folders tab, click on Favorites, and then Control-click (or right-click if you have a multi-button mouse) on the Favorite folder you want to rename.
Open your Default Folder X preferences, click on the Folders tab, click on Favorites, and then drag the Favorite folders up and down in the list to change their order. You can also use the utility menu in the lower right corner of the Favorites list to sort them alphabetically or by shortcut.
With a file dialog open, hit Command-Shift-. (the period key) on your keyboard to show hidden files and folders. Note that this isn't actually a feature of Default Folder X, but is a standard part of the macOS Open and Save dialogs.
You can set Path Finder to be the system's default file browser by turning on that option in your Path Finder preferences (see below). That'll result in all apps, including Default Folder X, using Path Finder for their "open in Finder" and "reveal in Finder" features.
By default, Default Folder X automatically watches any cloud-synced folders (like iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive and Box) and adds new items that appear there to its "recent" lists. This works great for people that are modifying their own files on multiple machines, but if you share a cloud-synced folder to collaborate with friends or coworkers, you'll end up with all of their changes populating your Recent Folders and Recent Files menus.
Also, please note that the Finder-click feature doesn't support Smart Folders (including Recents and All My Files) or search results. These windows don't have a "location" - the files listed there are in various folders and are just listed together as the result of a search. So when you click on that window, there's nowhere for Default Folder X to "go." It doesn't show those windows as being "clickable" because there's nothing it can logically do with them.
Answers from @Cronk and @Justin got me close on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks. In fact, on my system the /etc/php.ini file was missing completely, and it wasn't until I ran phpinfo() on the web server that I observed there was no configuration file. Copying the file from /etc/php.ini.default and adding the fully qualified path to the library to the config file solved the problem:
...this is because in /etc there is a file called /etc/php.ini.default as an example and to show it is not in use. You need to copy that file to the name php expects so that you can edit it, like this:
Macgo Blu-ray Player Pro is an all-purpose entertainment choice for full Blu-ray menu, Blu-ray discs, ISO files, and BDMV folders. The Pro version also enhances the most immersive media experience and original audio quality, adding support for more media formats, improved player performance, and an attractive, uncluttered, and intuitive interface that can be easily managed by any user.
There are two types of ACLs: access ACLs and default ACLs. An access ACL is the access control list for a specific file or directory. A default ACL can only be associated with a directory; if a file within the directory does not have an access ACL, it uses the rules of the default ACL for the directory. Default ACLs are optional.
By default, the dump command now preserves ACLs during a backup operation. When archiving a file or file system with tar, use the --acls option to preserve ACLs. Similarly, when using cp to copy files with ACLs, include the --preserve=mode option to ensure that ACLs are copied across too. In addition, the -a option (equivalent to -dR --preserve=all) of cp also preserves ACLs during a backup along with other information such as timestamps, SELinux contexts, and the like. For more information about dump, tar, or cp, refer to their respective man pages.
Composer is not a package manager in the same sense as Yum or Apt are. Yes,it deals with "packages" or libraries, but it manages them on a per-projectbasis, installing them in a directory (e.g. vendor) inside your project. Bydefault, it does not install anything globally. Thus, it is a dependencymanager. It does however support a "global" project for convenience via theglobal command.
Note: On some versions of macOS the /usr directory does not exist bydefault. If you receive the error "/usr/local/bin/composer: No such file ordirectory" then you must create the directory manually before proceeding:mkdir -p /usr/local/bin.
SOLUTION: After doing some research it seems that Hive needs to use a staging directory, which is configured by hive.exec.stagingdir configuration property. Before the upgrade this property had no value. After the upgrade it has value ".hive-staging". We changed it to "/tmp/hive-staging" and now everything works fine. Please fix this default value, as other CDH users might encounter it. Additionally, it would be fine to have this property in Cloudera Manager web interface. To make it worked we needed to put it in safety valve.