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Nathan Harris
Nathan Harris

Nb Grotesk Font 2

App License (Mobile, 1 Title), Desktop License, Single User (1), Desktop License, Multi User (1-10), Desktop License, Multi User (1-20), Desktop License, Multi User (1-30), Desktop License, Multi User (1-50), Desktop License, Multi User (1-100), Video Streaming License, Digital Out Of Home (1 Year Term), Video Streaming License, Digital Out Of Home (2 Year Term), Video Streaming License, Digital Out Of Home (3 Year Term), Webfonts License (max. 50k Pageviews/Month) 1 Domain, Self Hosting, Webfonts License (max. 500k Pageviews/Month) 1 Domain, Self Hosting, Webfonts License (max. 5m Pageviews/Month) 1 Domain, Self Hosting

Nb Grotesk Font 2


Broadcast LicensesIf you plan to use Neubau fonts in broadcasting, video or film, you will need to acquire a Broadcasting License. Broadcast and film usage refers to the use of the font software in titling, credits or other text for any onscreen broadcast via television, video or motion picture.The Broadcasting Licence is an annual, renewable license extension of the basic Print & Web Licence, and needs to be acquired prior to first use.Prices are available upon request and depend on duration and territory.Please contact us directly for pricing.

Small Business Broadcast License/Social Media & Blog LicenseWe offer special pricing for small companies as well as social media channels and blogs that aim to use our fonts exclusively in online video, as on streaming platforms like Youtube or Vimeo.Please contact us directly for pricing.

App License (Mobile, 1 Title), Desktop License, Single User (1), Desktop License, Multi User (1-5), Desktop License, Multi User (1-10), Desktop License, Multi User (1-15), Desktop License, Multi User (1-20), Desktop License, Multi User (1-30), Desktop License, Multi User (1-50), Desktop License, Multi User (1-100), Video Streaming License, Digital Out Of Home (1 Year Term), Video Streaming License, Digital Out Of Home (2 Year Term), Video Streaming License, Digital Out Of Home (3 Year Term), Webfonts License (max. 50k Pageviews/Month) 1 Domain, Self Hosting, Webfonts License (max. 500k Pageviews/Month) 1 Domain, Self Hosting, Webfonts License (max. 5m Pageviews/Month) 1 Domain, Self Hosting

To get the cloud fonts, your device needs to be online and connected to the Internet. In apps running on Windows, go to File > Account, select Manage Settings under Account Privacy, and turn on Optional connected experiences. Clearing the check box turns off cloud fonts and other online services from Microsoft.

Additional fonts, including a variety of popular open-source fonts, user interface and seldom used fonts are provided for document compatibility purposes. These are only listed in font menus if you view or edit content that uses them.

For an illustrated counterpart of this list that shows a sample of each font, see A Guide to Cloud Fonts in Microsoft Office 365, created by Julie Terberg, presentation designer and owner of Terberg Design.

Microsoft welcomes your feedback. For information about how to leave feedback, go to How do I give feedback on Microsoft Office? Use #CloudFonts if your comment is about cloud fonts or #Typography if your comment is related to the font or typography features in Office.

Started by Hannes von Döhren as a young graphic designer with a passion for letters, HvD evolved to an established type foundry working together with clients, agencies and experts. Using the act of creation itself, as our driving force, we have produced a balanced array of playful and professional typefaces, always underpinned by expert execution, including FF Mark, Pluto, Reklame Script or Brandon Grotesque. One principle of HvD is that we want to deliver fonts of the highest quality level: optically AND technically.In addition to creating self initiated typefaces, we worked on several bespoke type design projects for clients like Lufthansa, Volkswagen, Hyundai or Wal-Mart. Important or not, but good to mention: We received several design awards for our typefaces including the iF Award, the Red Dot Award or the Certificate of Excellence in Type Design from the Type Directors Club NY.

Despite our love for and extensive use of Helvetica as well as our books on the typeface we decided to break out in a new direction. We chose to use a new font for the redesign of our website: NB Akademie. The grotesque typeface kills two birds with one stone: its clean look and surprisingly restrained appeal suits our aesthetics and the font is web compliant. NB Akademie is specifically designed to be used for both print and online media whereas the various Helvetica re-drawings adapted to technical challenges and changing commercial requirements make it difficult to achieve a visual consistency among different media. Plus we simply love NB Akademie.

An important development in Windows 10 is the Universal Windows Platform (UWP): a converged app platform allowing a developer to create a single app that can run on all Windows devices. Windows fonts are one aspect of this convergence: Windows 10 introduces a recommended UWP font set that is common across all editions that support UWP, including Desktop, Server, and Xbox.

A number of additional fonts are available for Desktop and Server, including all other fonts from previous releases. However, not all of these are pre-installed by default in all images. In order to make disk usage and font choices more relevant to users according to the languages that they use, a number of fonts have been moved into optional, on-demand packages. These packages are designed around the different scripts that fonts are primarily intended to support, and most are installed automatically by Windows Update when the associated languages are enabled in language settings (for example, by enabling a keyboard). Any of these Feature On Demand (FOD) packages can also be installed manually via Settings. To add font packages manually, select the Start button, and then select Settings > Apps > Apps & features > Manage optional features.

PREAMBLEThe goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership with others.

The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded, redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives, however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.

3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as presented to the users.

5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole, must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply to any document created using the Font Software.

System is a modernist, neo-Grotesk sans family influenced by wayfinding infographics in European and US art galleries. Exploring the concept of neo-Grotesk vs Grotesk, the idea was to create two sub-families, Blank and Grotesk: one transparent and another exuding more character. Set in a wide range of weights, this font's optically balanced forms allow it to be used in various places, from logotypes to very small body text.

Queering is designed by Adam Naccarato to promote queerness and inclusivity. This open source, bold display font comes with a stylistic set of Unicode emojis and queer-themed iconography, available as glyphs to add in-line. It's free to download on a pay-what-you-want basis, with all proceeds benefiting the Ali Forney LGBTQ+ Center in Harlem, which provides life-saving housing for Queer Youth, among other great services.

Looking for a super-large italic range? Look no further. Testing the limits of a 90-degree range, GT Planar transitions smoothly from -45 Retalic to +45 Italic while retaining its integrity. Designed by Dominik Huber, this font combines Retalic, Upright, and Italic styles into one continuous design space. Eminently functional, no matter the length, size, or angle, it's available in 42 styles.

Tactic was designed between 2016 and 2017 as a single cut by Antoine Elsensohn. The general shapes are inspired by classical geometric fonts. The idea was also to find some grotesque feelings, with a generous x-height. The drawing is quite basic but has details that appear in large and are forgotten in small. Thanks to this, the Tactic can be easily used for visual identities, from a gigantic poster to the text of a program/book. 350c69d7ab




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