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Landon Jackson
Landon Jackson

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Update 04/2019 - Clarification on the use of different communication frequencies It is possible to use several different communication frequencies using pyLora. The default frequency is 868MHz (Europe), but you can change the communication frequency to use Ai-Thinker Ra-02 Modules (433MHz) for example. To do this, look for the "868" in the SX127x/ file and replace them with the desired frequency.

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View the sample files.If you downloaded the library and sample files, now you can start LORA_SERVER or LORA_CLIENT (encrypted or non-encripted).To work, there must be another LORA_SERVER or LORA_CLIENT running on another device (Raspberry Pi or Arduino)

Armoury II is driver-based software that offers extensive controls and an intuitive UI so you can easily tune TUF Gaming K5 to play your way. Create profiles, customize colors and lighting effects, map keys, record macros and more. You can even track hardware stats during gameplay for entertaining data analysis.

You can simply assemble the circuit on a breadboard. But To remove messy wiring and give a clean look, I designed a PCB prototype for this project. It is also helpful for troubleshooting without any errors. You can download the Gerber file of my PCB Design from the link attached below. The PCB looks like the image shown below.

It will introduce limitations on the other calls (such as the Search/Get APIs, downloading of data, site usage) performed by users, bots and general scripted requests if surpassing the rate-limit per given minute - a running time-window.

The Rate-limit mechanism is already active on the sandbox, and will be deployed on production on Sun, Aug 22nd, 2021.Please make sure that your scripts (those that make use of the Search/Get APIs and/or downloading csv/tsv's using the Search page) are in place and are able to relate to the Rate-limit constraints.In the coming days, the php & python sample codes, available for download from the Help Page, will include the general handling of the Rate-limit.

We've recently added a python sample code which you can use (or implement the relevant parts in your own scripts) for automatically downloading as CSV/TSV the resulting entries of a Search page query.

As mentioned at the bottom of the Quick query links on the Help page, a few example searches exist at the bottom of the script, and there's also a MERGE_TO_SINGLE_FILE flag for specifying whether you want to merge the retrieved entries into a single final CSV/TSV file or if to leave the downloaded files as they are.

We are glad to announce a new feature we have deployed, to enable easier and quicker mass download of information about TNS public objects. Staging the CSV files will fulfil requests by TNS users, as well as encourage performing time-consuming operations locally by users, reducing the load on the TNS servers. For example, if you need to cross-match entire catalogs or long object lists, we request that this would be done locally, against the csv (or a locally managed DB), rather than by executing multiple cone-searches via the Search API.Calling the APIs for a limited number of objects is clearly fine, but we ask that our users apply appropriate caution and sensibility when using the TNS resources, that serve a broad community. Every day after UT midnight, two CSV files are created and are accessible for download under: 1. - holds the entire catalog of TNS public objects (AT/SN/FRB/... 70,000 currently). This file is overwritten daily.The date and time when the list of objects was created is specified in the first line; e.g. "2021-03-15 00:00:00" 2. - holds only those entries (objects) that were either added or modified during the specified day.So, e.g. during Mar 15, 2021 it is possible to download this latest CSV for the previous day: tns_public_objects_20210314.csv.zipThe first line in the CSV will contain the exact duration covering the entries in the file; e.g. for the above example: "2021-03-14 00:00:00 - 23:59:59" The separate daily files remain in place for 1 month backwards.

For a period of at least three years the GBT was operating with a local oscillator that had its phase reset at the start of each observing scan, even if the tuning did not change, with potentially serious effect on VLBIdata. There is no evidence or reason to believe that delay jumps happen in conjunction with the phase jumps. It is believed this problem began when GBT's LO synthesizers were replaced in June 2014 and continued through approximately Sep 20, 2017. This problem would have affected most phase-referenced VLBI observations made with the GBT in this period. Usually this is done for weak sources where self calibration is not possible, or in the case of astrometry where relative offset between a calibrator and a target source is the desired measurement. In these cases the GBT data would have produced data of no value to the experiments. In cases where in-beam calibration was employed (where a suitably bright source within the primary beam of the GBT is simultaneously observed, but separately correlated, is used to calibrate the weaker target), the GBT data are likely still usable, however users of such data will need to be careful not to determine calibration across scan boundaries. In cases where the GBT was affected, baselines not including the GBT would still be valid. In cases where self calibration was used on the target or where group delays are the primary observable, the GBT data would be usable. If the observations were made with pulse-cal enabled, the pulse-cal data distributed within the FITS file (PC table) might be usable to correct for the phase jumps. Please see documentation for the PCCOR task in AIPS.

VLBA pointing and gain measurements in the past in the past have been made based on power levels detected by the legacy Baseband Converters (BBCs). Since February 2014, power levels have also been measured in the new RDBE broadband system. The analysis which produces the gain values given in the vlba_gains.key has been run in parallel with both data sets. Until late August 2015, the vlba_gains.key derived from the BBCs was the one placed on the ftp site and used as the sources of the values distributed with exported data sets in the gain table. On September 2, 2015 we switched to using the gains derived from the RDBE data in the vlba_gains.key file. More information is presented in the VLBA Scientific Memo #37.

VLBA operations staff have regenerated flag data for the Nov 10 through Dec 22 period. Users wishing to restore proper flags can follow the instructions to download cal.vlba.gz and then follow instructions in the AIPS Cookbook. The section titled Automatic formatting of VLBA and VLBA-like log files will explain how to use VLOG and UVFLG to load flags from the downloaded file. You may want to make a backup (with TASAV) of the original FL table before deleting it (with EXTD) just in case you want to go back to the original flags.

Users can get into trouble during the transition in a couple of ways. If they use both new and old versions of AIPS in their processing, the recent version will convert the AN table, but the old version won't know about it. So, for now, it is best not to mix versions. The processed FITS files in the VLBA archive are produced using the latest AIPS. Therefore, files made since around Sept 20 will have the new antenna convention. If those are downloaded and processed in an older AIPS, there will be problems. A procedure, ANFIX8 is now available from a midnight job for 31DEC08 or from the 31DEC08 patch info on the web that will convert back to the frame needed by the 31DEC08 AIPS. Alternatively, one can download the individual job files and run the procedures (VLBALOAD, VLBAFIX) to read and combine them. By now, the 31DEC09 version has become "NEW" and is the latest stable version while 31DEC10 is "TST". If one stays with those two, there should not be a problem.

There was a bug in the implementation of the above change that caused the old convention to be used for any station that did not appear in the first correlator job file. This will affect observations for which some station, typically Mauna Kea, starts late. The processed archive files (but not the FITS IDI files for each job) are subject to this bug. Users should check their AN tables carefully to see if a fix is needed. For example, all VLBA antennas should have the same sign of BY. A procedure to fix affected data (ANCHECK) will be available with the midnight job after Dec 1. Processed files in the archive are subject to this bug. They will be fixed eventually, but meanwhile be careful with such files. If you schedule calibrators on all antennas at the start of your run, you may not be subject to the problem. This bug affects AIPS 31DEC09 with midnight jobs run between Sept. 20 and Nov. 26. Processed archive files made during this date range are suspect.

Note that, even if you are using an older AIPS, it is useful to occasionally run a midnight job or be sure you get any recent patches. These patches correct bugs that have been found that are believed to potentially cause significant problems for user's data. For example, recent patches for 31DEC08 AIPS have corrected errors in the use of the ICHANSEL adverb in BPASS and in the frequency put in the AN table by FITLD when rearranging the frequency order from correlator FITS IDI files. We apologize for any disruption caused by these issues.

When the VLBA database was updated to a recent geodetic solution (2008a) in Sept. 2008, an error was introduced for the GBT. The trigger was a change of name of the GBT from "GBT" to "GBT-VLBA" that was not noticed when the new coordinates were loaded from the geodesy files to the VLBA database. This resulted in there being 2 entries for the GBT. The axis offsets were not updated at the same time so the new station got an offset of 0.0 meters when it should have been about 8.9cm. Correlator jobs created between then and when the problem was caught in January 2009 had the incorrect axis offset. During that same period, the VEX files created by SCHED also had a zero axis offset, so if those positions were used for correlation elsewhere, the same error would occur. 041b061a72




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