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Nathan Harris

Error 0x800040050x0004b90x000501 [2021]

Try resending that message. "0x4b9" == ecNullObject. If the error issporadic and not reproducible it could be difficult to track down thecause and a newsgroup may not be much help.Also notice that the error says to contact your /network/administrator, not your Exchange or system administrator. That may bepointing out that the error's related to connectivity.-- Rich MatheisenMCSE+I, Exchange MVPMS Exchange FAQ at _faq.htmDon't send mail to this address mailto:h.p...@getronics.comOr to these, either:

Error 0x800040050x0004b90x000501


When a user who has Send As permission to a distribution group tries to send an email message to other users by using Microsoft Outlook in Microsoft 365, the user receives a non-delivery report (NDR) that contains the following error message:

Aside from offering common solutions, this guide also contains a list of send/receive error codes which you may encounter and their meaning. For certain error codes, a more specific solution is mentioned.

If you just configured your mail account and are directly presented with a send/receive error, you should start with verifying if your account settings are correct. You can get this information from your ISP or email administrator. Settings for several large free email providers can be found here.

Searching in the error list below probably goes best with the Find function of your browser. For most browsers the keyboard shortcut for the Find function is CTRL+F. When typing in the error code, please note that the error code starts with the digit 0 and not with the letter O.

Aside from getting the reported errors, there usually also is another error code listed. These error codes consist of 3 digits which could be separated by a dot. For instance; 553 or 5.5.3 These errors could also be sent to you in an email (usually from System Administrator) with a Delivery Status Notification code in it.

Aside from the above listed error codes, there are many more error codes which you could encounter during send/receive. These usually refer to internal errors from Outlook, are specific to a certain mail server or are actually coming from your virus scanner or another add-in that integrates with your send/receive or networking process.

It is often the case that antiviruses falsely detect malicious code in a clean file too (False Positive). In general, your antivirus software might block some scripts run by MS Outlook due to false-positive detection. This will result in MS Outlook throwing the error code 0x80004005.

Registry keys are used to store information and settings for software programs, user preferences, hardware devices, OS configurations, and much more. Any corruption or damage to the keys might affect the proper functioning of MS Outlook, and hence this error.

Disabling New-Mail notification can help in resolving Outlook error messages at the time of receiving emails (however, this will not resolve Outlook error messages at the time of sending emails). If you are using Outlook 2016, this is how you can do this:

If you are a regular user of Outlook, then you must have an idea about incompatible or faulty add-ins. Sometimes these add-ins also lead to Outlook errors and performance. Follow these steps to disable add-ins and resolve the error code 0x80004005.

This article is very useful to fix 0x80004005 outlook error. If you are facing such error in your MS Outlook, then I would like to suggest to use it. I have already done it. Thank you for providing such a good information!

The error "0x80004005-0x0004b9-0x000501" comes from trying to submit a message on the Exchange transport. The code 0x0004b9 is an ecNullObject from Store, indicating that the failure occurred because an object referenced was null. This implies that this user was having some intermittent networking issue that happened to hit at the time the message was submitted. This behavior is by design and the error is expected when network failures occur. If your computer is connected via wireless or a WAN link, then random failures on the network can be common, and that would explain the behavior. Even on a local area network, RPC failures are not uncommon. In general, this problem is likely caused by intermittent network connectivity issues, or possibly out-of-resource problem on the client machine."

This method will help you eliminate the error hindrance while receiving the emails only (for sending the emails, try other method). To start with, open your Outlook application and perform the following steps:

One more alternative for the eradication of the Outlook error is to clean the registry and removing corrupt registry keys. Such bad and invalid registry keys cause interruptions in the operation with the system applications. Using a registry cleaning utility (can be downloaded online), you can remove bad entries in the registry keys.

But what if all these manual methods do not work or fails to solve the problem. These methods are easy to perform but not fully effective. Each method has some or other limitations. It is a possible attribute that your system has no Antivirus software or if you are disabling any present Antivirus software, there is a threat to your system security. Also, you may not find any virus in your system or fail to scan it with your software installed. The bad Registry issues are not always prevalent. Such problems are to be looked at very cautiously and without wasting any time, the user should find out an efficient and trustworthy third-party tool for this Outlook error. Here, your search is fulfilled with the PST repair tool which repairs all type of corruptions in Outlook and resolve almost all errors related to it. It serves its users with both repair and migration solutions. Now, try it with the free version on the website to trust it!

I encountered this error while working on my system. After much searching, I came across this blog on this error. There were several solutions to this problem, but I tried solution three, which instructed me to scan my system. The method assisted me in removing the error from my system. Thank you for sharing this blog.

El error 0x80004005 es un aviso que aparece en todas las versiones de Windows y que suele producirse cuando a los usuarios se les deniega el acceso a una aplicación, servicio o dispositivo por un motivo imprevisto. Por ejemplo, estas son algunas situaciones en las que podemos tener este problema de acceso y toparnos con el aviso de error 0x80004005:

El aviso de error 0x80004005 no es de los más comunes de Windows, aunque puede aparecer en las situaciones más diversas. Por ello, dado que su origen no es un mal funcionamiento del sistema, sino que se debe a configuraciones o archivos incorrectos o dañados de las aplicaciones, servicios o dispositivos implicados, no existe una única solución para abordar este problema de acceso. Por el contrario, deberás decidir qué medidas vas a tomar dependiendo del contexto en que ocurrió el error 0x80004005.

Si la instalación de una nueva actualización de Windows se interrumpe y provoca el aviso de error 0x80004005, puedes recurrir a varias soluciones: puedes utilizar el solucionador de problemas proporcionado por Microsoft, realizar una comprobación (con reparación incluida) de los archivos del sistema, reiniciar los servicios de actualización o instalar manualmente la actualización correspondiente.

Para obtener e instalar las actualizaciones proporcionadas regularmente por Microsoft, Windows recurre a varios servicios. Si estos no funcionan correctamente, es posible que se produzcan errores como el 0x80004005. Por lo tanto, algo que puede dar buenos resultados es reiniciarlos, lo que también puedes llevar a cabo desde el símbolo del sistema. En primer lugar, inícialo como administrador, tal y como hemos explicado en el apartado anterior, y, una vez abierto, escribe los siguientes comandos para finalizar los servicios:

Si el centro de actualizaciones continúa dando el error 0x80004005 incluso después de aplicar las medidas anteriores, puedes intentar descargar e instalar manualmente la actualización correspondiente. Para ello, debes consultar el correspondiente código de la base de conocimientos e introducirlo en el cuadro de búsqueda del catálogo de actualizaciones de Microsoft. A continuación, obtendrás una lista con los archivos de instalación de la actualización para las distintas arquitecturas, de los cuales tienes que seleccionar la versión que más te convenga.

Comprobar si se trata del primer problema es rápido y sencillo: solo tienes que deshabilitar temporalmente el software de seguridad que utilices e intentar acceder de nuevo a los correos. En caso de que el software sea efectivamente responsable del error, tendrás que contactar con el fabricante o, si no te queda más remedio, cambiar de programa.

Cuando se produce el aviso de error 0x80004005 al extraer archivos comprimidos con la herramienta estándar de Windows, suele ser debido a que el archivo se comprimió con un algoritmo incompatible. Otra posible causa es que el archivo ZIP esté protegido por contraseña, porque el programa de descompresión de Windows solo es compatible con ZIPCrypto y AES-128, mientras que los archivos encriptados están a menudo basados en AES-256. La solución más evidente es recurrir a una aplicación de otro proveedor, como WinZip o el software de código abierto 7-Zip. Estos programas soportan muchos más métodos de compresión y cifrado que la aplicación de serie de Windows, por lo que aumentan considerablemente las posibilidades de abrir el archivo.




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