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How to Use Knoll Unmult in After Effects CC 20

How to Use Knoll Unmult in After Effects CC 20

Knoll Unmult is a plugin that allows you to remove black backgrounds from layers in After Effects. It can be useful for creating pre-keyed stock footage, compositing fire, smoke, sparks, or other effects with alpha channels. Knoll Unmult is available in two versions: a free version (Unmult 1.1) that was maintained from 2014 to 2017, and a paid version (Universe Unmult) that is included in Universe, Red Giant Complete, and Maxon One subscriptions[^1^]. In this article, we will show you how to use both versions of Knoll Unmult in After Effects CC 20.

knoll unmult after effects cc 20

Using Unmult 1.1

To use Unmult 1.1, you need to download the plugin file from the link below and place it in the following folder:

  • Mac: \Library\Application Support\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\

  • Win: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\

After restarting After Effects, you should see Unmult under the Effect menu. To apply it to a layer, simply select the layer and choose Effect > Knoll > Unmult. This will remove the black background and create an alpha channel based on the luminance of the layer. You can adjust the Threshold parameter to fine-tune the transparency of the layer.

Using Universe Unmult

To use Universe Unmult, you need to have a subscription to Universe, Red Giant Complete, or Maxon One and install the plugin using Red Giant Application Manager. After restarting After Effects, you should see Universe Unmult under the Effect menu. To apply it to a layer, simply select the layer and choose Effect > Universe Utilities > Universe Unmult. This will remove the black background and create an alpha channel based on the luminance of the layer. You can adjust the Threshold parameter to fine-tune the transparency of the layer.


Knoll Unmult is a handy plugin that can help you remove black backgrounds from layers in After Effects. Whether you use the free or paid version, you can easily create pre-keyed stock footage or composite effects with alpha channels using Knoll Unmult. We hope this article was helpful and informative for you.

Examples of Using Knoll Unmult

To demonstrate the power and versatility of Knoll Unmult, we will show you some examples of using it in different scenarios. You can follow along with these examples using your own footage or download some free stock footage from the links below.

Example 1: Compositing Fire

Fire is one of the most common effects that can benefit from Knoll Unmult. Fire footage usually has a black background that needs to be removed to blend with the scene. Here are the steps to composite fire using Knoll Unmult:

  • Import your fire footage and your background footage into After Effects and create a new composition.

  • Drag the fire footage on top of the background footage in the timeline.

  • Apply Knoll Unmult to the fire layer and adjust the Threshold parameter until you get a realistic transparency.

  • Change the blending mode of the fire layer to Screen or Add to make it brighter and more vivid.

  • Add some color correction, glow, or other effects to enhance the fire.

You can download some free fire footage from here:

Example 2: Creating Pre-Keyed Stock Footage

If you want to create your own pre-keyed stock footage, such as smoke, sparks, or particles, you can use Knoll Unmult to remove the black background and export the footage with an alpha channel. Here are the steps to create pre-keyed stock footage using Knoll Unmult:

  • Import your footage into After Effects and create a new composition.

  • Apply Knoll Unmult to your footage and adjust the Threshold parameter until you get a clean alpha channel.

  • Add any effects or adjustments you want to your footage.

  • Go to File > Export > Add to Render Queue and choose a format that supports alpha channels, such as QuickTime with ProRes 4444 or Animation codec.

  • Render your footage and save it to your desired location.

You can download some free stock footage from here:


  • : Where can I get Unmult? â Knowledge Base.





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