Before Sunrise
Before Sunrise was inspired by a woman named Amy Lehrhaupt,[6] whom writer/director Richard Linklater met in a toy shop in Philadelphia in 1989.[7][8] They walked around the city together, conversing deep into the night. In 2013, Linklater revealed that Lehrhaupt had died in a motorcycle accident before the release of Before Sunrise.[9]
Before Sunrise
Asexual attraction is obviously present between them, and Linklater handles itgently, with patience. There is a wonderful scene in the listening booth of amusic store, where each one looks at the other, and then looks away, so as notto be caught. The way they do this - the timing, the slight embarrassment - is delicateand true to life. And I liked their first kiss, on the same ferris wheel usedin "The Third Man," so much I didn't mind that they didn't know OrsonWelles and Joseph Cotten had been there before them.
Thisis Linklater's third film, after "Slacker' (1991) and "Dazed andConfused" (1993). He's onto something. He likes the way ordinary timeunfolds for people, as they cross paths, start talking, share their thoughtsand uncertain philosophies. His first movie, set in Austin, Texas, followed onecharacter until he met a second, then the second until he met a third, and soon, eavesdropping on one life and conversation after another. The second filmwas a long night at the end of a high school year, as the students regardedtheir futures. Now there's "Before Sunrise," about two nice kids,literate, sensitive, tentative, intoxicated by the fact that their livesstretch out before them, filled with mystery and hope, and maybe love.
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There is no need for that.The sun only acts on ONE day, so at midnight both sunrise and sunset will change to the current values of that day. In other words sunset can never be earlier than sunrise.
Your midnight and the HAOS midnight might not be the same, but the sunrise and sunset will still change at the same time.I guess it could be an issue, if sunrise or sunset is in that one hour window. 041b061a72